2006 Results
Click each division to see full results

CIC **
1st place: Darren Chiacchia and Windfall II

Open Intermediate
1st place: Phillip Dutton and Loose 'N Cool

Open Preliminary A
1st place: Jennifer Goebel and Berkley

Open Preliminary B
1st place: William Coleman and K. du Manoir

Open Preliminary C
1st place: Gayle Molander and Lizzy

Open Training A
1st place: Darrah Alexander and Noble Play

Open Training B
1st place: Darren Chiacchia and Dynamik II

Training Rider
1st place: Hope Nicyper-Meryman and Feather Blue

Open Novice
1st place: Barbara Allen and Equinox

Novice Rider A
1st place: Katharine Burrows and Alcapone

Novice Rider B
1st place: Annie Read and Fair Catcher

Novice Rider (CH)
1st place: Mary R. Jordan and Paxton Abbey