2001 Divisions

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CIC ** 2001
Judges: Karen Stives, Jo Young

No. Rider Horse Dressage Cross Country Stadium Jumping Final
Score Place Jump Time Total Place Jump Time Total
28 Diann Steinrotter Better I Do It 45.3 2 0 8.4 53.7 1 0 0.00 53.70 1
18 Kimberly Vinoski Jerry McGerry 47.7 4T 0 6.4 54.1 2 0 0.00 54.10 2
36 Jim Stamets Bally-Mar 60.9 12T 0 5.6 66.5 3 0 0.00 66.50 3
31 Michele Ingold Hometown Hero 58.4 11 0 10.0 68.4 5 0 0.00 68.40 4
39 Corinne Ashton Dobbin 50.1 6 0 22.8 72.9 8 0 0.00 72.90 5
38 Adrienne Iorio-Borden Make Mine Irish 66.9 20T 0 1.6 68.5 6 5 0.00 73.50 6
40 Rainey Sealey Cruizin On 53.1 7 0 17.2 70.3 7 5 0.00 75.30 7
20 Bonnie Mosser Zydeco 71.1 27T 0 4.8 75.9 10 0 0.00 75.90 8
34 Darren Chiacchia Windfall 39.9 1 20 16.8 76.7 11 0 0.00 76.70 9
13 Darrah Alexander Brimstone 66.8 19 0 10.4 77.2 12 0 0.00 77.20 10
35 Sara Sadler Drizzle 67.2 22 0 15.6 82.8 14 0 0.00 82.80 11
32 Holly Hepp Kelvedon Carrington 62.7 15 0 15.2 77.9 13 5 0.00 82.90 12
2 Julia Steinberg Mr. Big 73.5 29 0 9.6 83.1 15 0 0.00 83.10 13
7 Darren Chiacchia Felicia 73.8 30 0 10.4 84.2 16 0 0.00 84.20 14
12 Bruce "Buck" Davidson Pipe Dream 69.3 26 0 18.0 87.3 20 0 0.00 87.30 15
10 Caryn Fellows The Red Baron 76.7 33 0 14.8 91.5 22 0 0.00 91.50 16
41 Sarah Cousins Absolute 71.1 27T 0 16.8 87.9 21 5 0.00 92.90 17
43 Fanny Lee Minor Adjustment 68.7 24 0 16.8 85.5 18 10 0.00 95.50 18
27 Andrew Pocock Blithe Hill Talaris 3rd 57.9 10 0 17.6 75.5 9 20 1.00 96.50 19
14 Phillip Dutton Dusky Moon 61.8 14 20 14.8 96.6 24 0 0.00 96.60 20
17 Jennifer Lane Fara 81.6 38 0 5.6 87.2 19 10 0.00 97.20 21
22 Doug Payne Rusheen Warrior 56.1 8T 0 10.4 66.5 4 10 21.00 97.50 22
5 Diann Steinrotter Mackinac 56.1 8T 20 18.0 94.1 23 5 0.00 99.10 23
16 Robert Costello Ayvric 83.0 40 0 20.8 103.8 25 0 0.00 103.80 24
9 Sonya Crampton Smooth Sailing 79.2 35 0 30.0 109.2 26 0 0.00 109.20 25
19 Beale Morris Pathfinder 47.7 4T 40 26.4 114.1 28 0 0.00 114.10 26
8 Katja Diehl Nansuk 80.9 36 0 32.8 113.7 27 0 1.00 114.70 27
11 Ashley Johnson Sword Play 75.6 32 0 8.8 84.4 17 15 17.00 116.40 28
4 Beale Morris Eastern Shore 46.2 3 40 34.8 121.0 29 0 0.00 121.00 29
21 Gary Roque Leatherhead 69.0 25 20 36.0 125.0 30 15 2.00 142.00 30
30 Phillip Dutton I'm So Brite 63.9 16T 60 25.2 149.1 31 0 0.00 149.10 31
15 Sarah Hansel G&R 81.3 37 20 50.0 151.3 32 0 0.00 151.30 32
26 Amy Ruth De Wind What the Heck 66.6 18 60 34.4 161.0 33 20 4.00 185.00 33
6 Amy Ruth De Wind Welton Tangle 63.9 16T 80 39.2 183.1 35 5 0.00 188.10 34
42 Sonya Crampton Shindig II 66.9 20T 80 36.0 182.9 34 5 1.00 188.90 35
24 Amy Foss Eastbound 68.6 23 80 38.8 187.4 36 5 0.00 192.40 36
44 Fanny Lee Biminin Twist 76.8 34 80 37.2 194.0 37 0 0.00 194.00 37
33 Linda Dahlgren Pirate's Co-Star 82.1 39 60 79.6 221.7 38       W
25 Kerry Torrey Philhower Shy Tempo 75.3 31       M       M
29 Peter Atkins Solar Bear 60.9 12T       R       R